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Howto set up a local LSR mirror
Downloading/Installing all requirements
- Install tomcat, mod_jk, velocity, libtagsoup-java, libmysql-java and mysql from your distribution's packages
- Download MG4J's dependencies package and the binary package, ERW and the LSR source code and the mysql dump. In particular, you should download the following files:
- mg4j-deps.tar.gz
- mg4j-3.0.1-bin.tar.gz
- ERW-1.0.10.tar.gz
- lsr-0.5-src.tar.gz
- lsr-2011-06-30.mysqldump.gz
- Extract the LSR source code (into the lsr-0.5/ directory):
tar xfz lsr-0.5-src.tar.gz
Building the LSR jar archive
- Install MG4J: extract mg4j and all dependencies to the the lsr folder:
mkdir -p lsr-0.5/lib tar -C lsr-0.5/lib/ -xvzf mg4j-deps.tar.gz rm lsr-0.5/lib/tomcat5-servlet-*.jar tar xfz mg4j-3.0.1-bin.tar.gz cp mg4j-3.0.1/mg4j-*.jar lsr-0.5/lib/
- Copy all required global jar files to the lsr code directory:
cp /usr/share/java/tagsoup.jar lsr-0.5/lib/ cp /usr/share/java/mysql.jar lsr-0.5/lib/ cp /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar lsr-0.5/lib/ cp /usr/share/tomcat6/lib/servlet-api.jar lsr-0.5/lib/
- Create a sh/ subdirectory that will contain several helper shell scripts:
mkdir -p lsr-0.5/sh/
and download the and scripts to that directory:,
- We also need to tell the javac compiler to use those .jar files in the lib subdirectory (plus, the build.xml file contains the wrong version), therefore we have to patch build.xml. Download the following patch and store it in the lsr-0.4/ subdirectory: Patch file for build.xml
cd lsr-0.5/ patch -p0 < build.xml.patch
- Build the LSR:
ant cd ..
You will now have a lsr-0.5.jar file in lsr-0.5
- Finally, remove all hardcoded references to and to the https host (we are using http for both the front- and the backend). Download this patch: remove-dsi-url-https.patch
patch -p0 < remove-dsi-url-https.patch
Setting up the MySQL database
- Create a MySQL user lsr with password lsr and also create a database lsr, to which the user has all rights.
- Insert the mysql database dump into mysql (replace the date with the proper name of your downloaded file):
gunzip lsr-2011-06-30.mysqldump.gz mysql --user=lsr --password=lsr lsr < lsr-2011-06-30.mysqldump
- Create a group superadmin and give it all rights to all types. Also add a user 'admin' and add it to the superadmin group. It's easiest to use the following SQL file (Please change the password!): sql-add-superadmin.sql
mysql --user=lsr --password=lsr lsr < sql-add-superadmin.sql
Setting up ERW and generating the lsr-specific ERW files
- Extract ERW:
tar xfz ERW-1.0.10.tar.gz
- Create the proper forms, definition files and the SQL for an initial database for ERW (ertool –forms/defs/sql does the same, but has a hardcoded path to the erw.jar and needs it globally installed. Here we simply use the same direct java call as ertool does):
erwdir=$PWD/ERW-1.0.10 alias myerwtool="java -cp $erwdir/ERtool/erw.jar:$CLASSPATH -Dit.unimi.dsi.erw.dtddir="$erwdir/dtd/" it.unimi.dsi.erw.ERtool " cd lsr-0.5/ERW/ myerwtool --forms forms/*.erf < lsr.xml mkdir -p defs cd defs myerwtool --defs < ../lsr.xml cd .. myerwtool --sql < lsr.xml > lsr-ERW-db-structure.sql cd ../../
- Patch ERW to remove the outdated check for old browsers altogether. Download the following file to ERW-1.0.10/php: Path for ERW.php
patch -p0 < erw.php.patch
Preparing the web host's directory structure
- Create an output directory, where we collect all files for the web application:
mkdir -p web/LSR/WEB-INF/{classes,data,templates,lib} web/{custom,defs,forms}
- Copy the lsr-0.5.jar and all other required java packages to the output directory:
cp lsr-0.5/lsr-0.5.jar web/LSR/WEB-INF/lib/ cp lsr-0.5/lib/*.jar web/LSR/WEB-INF/lib/
- Copy the ERW .php files to the correct directory:
cp -r ERW-1.0.10/php/*.php ERW-1.0.10/php/ERW web/
- Copy all LSR files (also the generated ERW files) over, which will be served by apache:
cp -r lsr-0.5/{css,html,img} web/LSR/ cp lsr-0.5/ERW/custom/*.php web/custom/ cp lsr-0.5/ERW/defs/*.php web/defs/ cp lsr-0.5/ERW/forms/*.php web/forms/ mv web/custom/login.php web/ cp lsr-0.5/vm/*.vm web/LSR/WEB-INF/templates
- Download the web.xml and files to the web/LSR/WEB-INF/ directory:
- Open web/ERW-conf.orig.php in a text editor and change $_ERW_erlId, the database user, password and database to „lsr“. Then rename it to ERW-config.php:
mv web/ERW-conf.orig.php web/ERW-conf.php
My ERW-config.php can also be downloaded here: My ERW-conf.php config file
- Create the initial MG4J search index:
lsrshdir=$PWD/lsr-0.5/sh/ cd web/LSR/WEB-INF/data . $lsrshdir/ $lsrshdir/ cd -
Setting up Tomcat
- Add a new user with roles manager and admin in /etc/tomcat6/tomcat-users.xml and restart tomcat
- Deploy the webabb in web/LSR with tomcat (we already created the correct file structure above). In the manager (e.g. http://localhost:8080/manager/html) deploy the webapp with the following settings:
Context Path (required): /LSR XML Configuration file: file://home/reinhold/Software/LSR/web/LSR/WEB-INF/web.xml URL: file://home/reinhold/Software/LSR/web/LSR/
- Enable the AJP13 connector (in /etc/tomcat6/server.xml):
<Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" />
Setting up Apache
- Make sure that the HTTP php module is installed:
pear install HTTP
- Setup a proper virtual host in Apache's configuration /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/vhosts.conf. NOTE: Adjust the pathes, IP and hostname to your needs:
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName lsr.local ServerName DocumentRoot /home/reinhold/Software/LSR/web ReadmeName README JkMount /LSR/* LSR JkUnMount /LSR/html/* LSR JkUnMount /LSR/img/* LSR JkUnMount /LSR/css/* LSR JkUnMount /*.php LSR DirectoryIndex LSR/Browse php_value "arg_separator.input" ";" php_value "register_long_arrays" "On" </VirtualHost>
Notice the two php_value arguments, which are required by the code of ERW:
- For its RPC calls ERW uses the semicolon as query string parameter separator rather than the ampersand (that's hardcoded in many .php files of ERW)
- ERW uses the deprecated $HTTP_GET_VARS global variables (and similar $HTTP_* variables) rather than the new $_GET. These old globals are no longer available in php >=5.0.0. However, regist_long_arrays enables a compatibility mode for that deprecated syntax.
- Configure mod_jk:
- Create a file /etc/apache2/mods-available/jk.conf with the following contents (or Download my version):
JkWorkersFile /etc/libapache2-mod-jk/ JkLogFile /var/log/apache2/mod_jk.log # info/warn/error/debug JkLogLevel info
- Edit /etc/libapache2-mod-jk/ to contain the following lines:
worker.list=LSR # Defining a worker named LSR and of type ajp13 # Note that the name and the type do not have to match. worker.LSR.port=8009 worker.LSR.type=ajp13
- Install the mod_jk module and configure it to use the tomcat webapplication:
a2enmod jk
- Restart apache:
/etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Setting up the cronjob to build the MG4J index
Setting up the LilyPond jail needed for creating snippet output
Open issues
- Chroot jail for lilypond
lilypond/lsr_setup.1309963202.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2013/03/13 10:42 (Externe Bearbeitung)