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lilypond:lsr_setup [2011/07/06 14:08] – [section 6] reinholdlilypond:lsr_setup [2013/03/13 10:42] (aktuell) – Externe Bearbeitung
Zeile 49: Zeile 49:
 mysql --user=lsr --password=lsr lsr < lsr-2011-06-30.mysqldump mysql --user=lsr --password=lsr lsr < lsr-2011-06-30.mysqldump
 </code> </code>
-  - Create a group superadmin and give it all rights to all types. Also add a user 'admin' and add it to the superadmin group. It's easiest to use the following SQL file: {{:lilypond:lsr:sql-add-superadmin.sql|sql-add-superadmin.sql}}<code>+  - Create a group superadmin and give it all rights to all types. Also add a user 'admin' and add it to the superadmin group. It's easiest to use the following SQL file (Please change the password!): {{:lilypond:lsr:sql-add-superadmin.sql|sql-add-superadmin.sql}}<code>
 mysql --user=lsr --password=lsr lsr < sql-add-superadmin.sql mysql --user=lsr --password=lsr lsr < sql-add-superadmin.sql
 </code> </code>
Zeile 95: Zeile 95:
     * {{:lilypond:lsr:web.xml|web.xml required to set up the tomcat webapp}}     * {{:lilypond:lsr:web.xml|web.xml required to set up the tomcat webapp}}
     * {{| required by the tomcat webapp}}     * {{| required by the tomcat webapp}}
-  - Open web/ERW-config.orig.php in a text editor and change $_ERW_erlId, the database user, password and database to "lsr". Then rename it to ERW-config.php:<code> +  - Open web/ERW-conf.orig.php in a text editor and change $_ERW_erlId, the database user, password and database to "lsr". Then rename it to ERW-config.php:<code> 
-mv web/ERW-config.orig.php web/ERW-config.php+mv web/ERW-conf.orig.php web/ERW-conf.php
 </code>My ERW-config.php can also be downloaded here: {{:lilypond:lsr:erw-conf.php|My ERW-conf.php config file}} </code>My ERW-config.php can also be downloaded here: {{:lilypond:lsr:erw-conf.php|My ERW-conf.php config file}}
   - Create the initial MG4J search index:<code>   - Create the initial MG4J search index:<code>
Zeile 169: Zeile 169:
 ===== Setting up the LilyPond jail needed for creating snippet output ===== ===== Setting up the LilyPond jail needed for creating snippet output =====
 +  - Install a Lilypond version from the binary builds: 
 +    - Download the .sh file
 +    - As root, do <code>
 +  sudo mkdir /opt/lily2.14
 +  sudo ./ --prefix=/opt/lily2.14/</code>
 +  - Use {{|this script}} to setup a lilypond jail directory (each installed lilypond version needs roughly 100MB). You can use multiple installations with multiple -p arguments (in this example, I have versions 2.10, 2.12 and 2.14 installed in the same jail):<code>
 +  sudo ./ -p /opt/lily2.10/ -p /opt/lily2.12/ -p /opt/lily2.14/ -s 400000 lilyjail</code>
 +  - This script will print out some instructions how to enable sudo for a user and how to automount the jail on boot. Follow the instructions, i.e.
 +    - Add the following line to /etc/fstab to ensure the loop device will be mounted on boot:<code>
 +/home/lilyjail/lilyloop /home/lilyjail/lilymnt    ext3 auto,loop 0       0</code>
 +    - Call ''visudo'' as root and add the following lines to the sudoers file (typically /etc/sudoers):<code>
 +ALL   ALL=NOPASSWD: /opt/lily2.10/lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond -jlilyjail\,lilyjail\,/home/lilyjail/lilymnt\,/lilyhome *
 +ALL   ALL=NOPASSWD: /opt/lily2.12/lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond -jlilyjail\,lilyjail\,/home/lilyjail/lilymnt\,/lilyhome *
 +ALL   ALL=NOPASSWD: /opt/lily2.14/lilypond/usr/bin/lilypond -jlilyjail\,lilyjail\,/home/lilyjail/lilymnt\,/lilyhome *
 +</code>This allows all users to run the jailed lilypond installation.
 +For details see the LilyPond documentation:
 ===== Open issues ===== ===== Open issues =====
-  * Adjust all hard-coded links to by relative links to the local host.+.
lilypond/lsr_setup.1309961307.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2013/03/13 10:42 (Externe Bearbeitung)

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