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Freely downloadable sheet music

These music sheets and vocal scores are no longer copyrighted (each of their authors died more than 70 years ago), so I wrote them on the computer and make them available for the larger good of the whole world. Due to legal reasons, I can only make available scores where each editor (who made significant changes to warrant protection due to originality) has died at least 70 years ago or where each author/editor, who did not die more than 70 years ago, consents to the scores being distributed here.

Feel free to use, perform, modify, copy or distribute these sheets! Many of these sheets are also available in the Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL). They are typically written in LilyPond and the source files are available, too. My main motivation to write them was for the use of the Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien" or the choir of St. Augustin in Vienna.

Lieder, Opern und Operettenmelodien

Sakrale Stücke


große kirchenmusikalische Werke

chor/noten.1363171350.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2013/09/09 23:41 (Externe Bearbeitung)

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